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Newsletter: November 2003

Minutes:  October AGM

Next Meeting: Tuesday 2 December @ Valley Club, Lower Hutt, from 7:30pm

NEW HG PILOTS - item by Grant Tatham
There has been a number of pilots over the last year attaining their Novice Ratings. -

Shane Morton, Airborne Buzz, approx 3hrs. One of the quickest guys through yet (except maybe Trevor L). Is spending the next couple of months in Australia with family. Has a natural ability, which will show through in his flying. As long as he doesn't get too carried away with the aerobatics. Think he likes adrenaline?!

Marc Burgiss, Enterprise Wings Super Gyro. Couple of hours, lots of high flights, couple of soaring flights. Progressing well.

Kane Stevensen, Moyes Mission. High flights, soaring flights. Recently attained the glider, has good level of ability, till now has been flying the club Ventura. First flight in the Mission at Kourarau a couple of weekends ago.

Heath Eccles, no gear yet. Spending all his dosh on a car! Has moderate experience on the club gliders, Ventura and Mars. Labour Weekend handled some flying at Burma Road and Te Mata Peak pretty well. The TeMata launch didn't phase him too much! Think we'll see him on the hill with his own gear soon.

Jose Ubiaga, Airborne Fun. Some high flights, in lighter air. Looking for the first soaring flight. Handled a real test situation I put him in at Bennetts Hill well - very light air, crossing from the back. Necessitated a launch down a spine in crosswind. Mark Burgiss launched without any problem. Jose's launch technique was very good, but he got dealt to by the conditions, and dropped onto the wheels for a couple of yards before the ground dropped away and he found himself airborne! Managed to keep his head, and completed the flight well. Has the ability, just needs a few good days at Paekak or Western Lake.

Andrew Bridger, Airborne Fun. So far only had 3 days on a hill with me. Purchased equipment before the first day! Now thats commitment. Last weekend, I threw him in the deep end - launched in light wind off Whangamoana. Not strong enough for anyone to stay up, but the first cliff launch is always a hurdle, especially with such a low level of experience. He handled it really well. Incidentally, I must commend Andrew on his willingness to drive for the rest of us when we (well, me actually) decide to go flying for ourselves.

There are several others at various stages- Christian Ammon is making noises about getting out again, Steen McGhie would be also if time allows. Clive is having his glider rebuilt, I believe, after his incident on launch at Bull Hill. I still have a list of guys and two girls showing an interest in learning. Its a question of weather and time to get them into the air.
If you more experienced guys are going to the coast, or anywhere else for that matter, give these new guys a ring. The contact details are all in the hang-dog member list. They still need the support of the experienced pilots.

The club now has an interest earning account with "SUPERBANK". Not some ficticious outfit out of a comic, but an account that pays reasonable tax free interest to the club. You may have seen their advertising at your local supermarket. The organisation has no "counter staff", and if you choose not to use their facilities other than the savings account, no fees. The majority of our approx $3500 balance will be held here, with a float held at Westpac in the original cheque account. They operate the normal phone and internet access, but only to and from one nominated account.

Grant Tatham

The March 2004 paragliding comp filled up with 120 pilots in five days!  Go onto the waiting list here!

The HBHGPC has a Yahoo Groups discussion list - where flying issues in HB are discussed - if you want to join contact Shaun Gilbert

The Oz Report. For up to date info about hang gliding and paragliding. Has quite abit of political stuff, but also some real interesting articles from people around the world regarding gear, comps, storys, photos.
Check it out: http://ozreport.com/ozSubscribe.php

A quirky european paragliding web site: http://www.ojovolador.com/eng/index.html - with some good photos!

To get forecasts of the wind speed 10 metres above the ground:  http://expert.weatheronline.net.nz/uv10_frame.htm

FOR SALE   Siteguides, Wellington area. Full details, regards access, safety etc. Includes photos, 4 maps , cost of printing-$7 - see Grant Tatham

Minutes:  October AGM

Next Meeting: Tuesday 2 December @ Valley Club, Lower Hutt, from 7:30pm

Email the Kris at skf@paradise.net.nz with any news you may have!