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Newsletter: January 2004Back to January newsletter

Minutes: December 2003 meeting

Apologies – Colin Iles

Previous minutes: accepted – unanimous

General Business
Climie weather station. Discussion regards whether the station should be repaired, sold or repaired and sold. (the circuitry was badly damaged by lightening.) Price to repair estimated at $3-400. John Nelson to provide a more accurate estimate for repair and the station may be sold.

Lion Foundation Application. Kris has had a negative response for the applications for PG tandem subsidy, and scholarship applications. Terry O’Neill made an application for subsidizing the HG Nationals, and this application was successful. Because of this, the Lion Fouindation annual allocation for the club is almost spoken for. Still waiting on a response from other applications. Kris to contact Rob Davidson re: any possible development of interest through local gyms.

Site Maintenance. Dalefield has become abit overgrown. (As Kris can attest to!) Working bee to be organized to clear some of the regrowth round the takeoffs. Grant Tatham to organize.

Superbank. An account has now been set up with Superbank, in the aim of gaining interest on the club funds. This savings account is fee free, pays very good interest on todays rates, and is Internet and phone banking. Incidentally, current balance is round the $3500 mark. The majority of this will be held in the Superbank account to accrue interest.

Paekakariki Windsock. Guy Harding has generously donated the costs of galvanizing the windsock for Paekakariki beach. Thanks, Guy. A new windsock will soon be in place.

Kauahei (Zolas) weatherstation. Kris advises that Kauahei in the Hawkes Bay now has a station on it, accessible by phoning 021 251 3687. (the original proper name is the name this hill is to be known as from here on. This is mainly out of respect to the locals. The Zolas name is one given to the hill by a local pilot. For further information contact Shaun Gilbert.

Mt Victoria Fly-in. Dates for this to be advised – possibly last week in January, first week in Feb. Suggestion that we have a barbecue/ meal/ social event that evening. Open to suggestions.  [The Fly-in has now been deferred to late March due to "organisational difficulties"!]

Covenants. Rob Davidson informed us of the move by the Tauranga club to place a covenant over the continued use of Mt Manganui by PG and HG pilots for the foreseeable future.
Rob to follow this up, see what they have done. This may well be a good thing to do with places such as Paekakariki and Pukerua Bay, possibly a lot more of the sites.

Meeting closed 9.30pm.

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