Newsletter: May 2004Back to May newsletter
Minutes: April 2004 meeting
Previous minutes: accepted
Weather stations. John Nelson advised that the Mt Climie weather station would cost about $500 to $600 to repair. Colin Iles will investigate what is currently available "off-the-shelf" to determine whether it is worthwhile to undertake repairs. If it is worthwhile he will then contact the Queenstown Commercial Paragliders to see whether they would be interested in purchasing it. Colin to report back at the next meeting.
Mt Climie Windfarm
Laurie Ross, Barry Baxter and Kris Ericksen had a parawaiting trip to Mt Climie in March. They arived at the top to find the wind blowing over the back, and the WRC wind farm coordinator there along with a representative of Vesta (a Danish wind turbine manufacturer). A discussion ensued as to the compatability of wind farms and free flying. They advised that due to interference issues they would not be placing turbines within several hundred metres of telecommunications towers, and that the existing overhead power lines would be buried. The existing ramp would, therefore, not be affected by turbines.
Laurie, Barry and Kris subsequently investigated potential new launch sites that would be opened up by the removal of the the power lines. There is a potentially very good NW launch site on the ridge that the power lines come up. Removal of stumps would be required. (See photos below). Kris to write to the WRC.
WOF stickers
Kris has purchased a "WOF stamp". Colin, as Paragliding Safety Officer, will hold this stamp.
Funding Application
The club owns a tandem hang glider, which is used for training purposes. However, it does not currently have a reserve parachute. This is a major safety issue.
Resolution: That the club apply to the NZ Community Trust for funding for the purchase of a tandem safety parachute, for use solely with the club's tandem training hang glider.
Proposed Kris Ericksen, Seconded Colin Iles. Carried unanimously.
Resource consent at Coronet Peak
John Nelson advised that he was applying to the Queenstown Lakes District Council for a resource consent to allow commercial tandem operators to land at his property at the base of Coronet Peak. John requested that free fliers send in supporting submissions, otherwise the site was at risk of being lost to all fliers. John to send further information to Kris, which will then be put on the web site.
Vote of thanks
The meeting thanked Harry Emms and Colin Iles for providing their vehicles and for Harry for being a retrieve driver on the Saturday of the Wairarapa Paraglding League.
Meeting closed 9.00pm.