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Newsletter: May 2003

The wind and sun gods didn't smile upon us - so it was cancelled.....

There has been a few new pilots in the air recently. On the hang gliding side, Steen McGhie, Heath Eccles, Kane Stevenson, and as of this last weekend, Shane Morton, Marc Burgiss, and Jose Ubiaga have all had ridge soaring flights. All of these guys are doing real well. Some scaring Grant a little at times (understatement of the year!) but all getting some pretty good air. The weather has actually been pretty good, and oppurtunities taken. Marc has bought Craig Hendersons last glider, the Super Gyro, and Jose a new Fun floater. There is to be at least one more glider due in the area in the next few weeks. Harnesses are a bit more difficult to find secondhand, as are more gliders. If anyone has good gear to sell, let Grant know.

                              Colin and Kris took an English visitor, Hans, to Kourarau on Easter Sunday. 
                              A couple of "sled rides" were enjoyed by all.  Hans is only 76 years young!

A team of people attacked the gorse in early May - photos and story of the event....

Grant spoke with Fergus who informed him that Nga Uru Ora eventually intend to develop the area as a reserve, with plantings and picnic tables etc. This is going to take time though.  In the mean time, Fergus assured me that anything we do is fine, within reason.

There was a group of pilots at Western Lake during April, and Ross Macklin, the Wharekauhau farm manager, turned up. It seems he'd had some complaints from the chalets about a lack of privacy  pilots were hovering in the area.

Its now necessary, it seems, to impose a rule preventing all flying east of the Wharakauhau Stream. In other words, please don't cross the gap from Takeoff to the next ridge east.

This seems a bit tough, but in order to preserve our access to this site please adhere to this rule.

There is to be a sign erected at the gate in the near future.

Next Meeting: Tuesday 3 June @ Valley Club, Lower Hutt, from 7:30pm

Email the editor at skf@paradise.net.nz with any news you may have
Immortal fame for Laurie Ross flying at Paekakariki November 2002.....