Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club        WHGPC page    Hang-Dog    Home
Newsletter: July 2003

Minutes: June meeting

Next Meeting: Tuesday 5 August @ Valley Club, Lower Hutt, from 7:30pm

The WHGPC AGM will be held on Tuesday 7 October, at the Valley Club, Lower Hutt

The hangies had an instructors seminar over in the Wairarapa during July.  SEVERAL people promised an article about the event, but.....

Paraglider pilots have had several flights at Paekakariki and Pukerua Bay.

If you can't get the real thing, you can always try Flight Club, an online gliding simulator - complete with thermals! Find it at: www.danb.dircon.co.uk/hg/hg.htm

An excellent web site that all free fliers should be aware of is wind.co.nz.  It provides actual wind and weather information PLUS 48 hours of hourly forecasted wind information.

Wind.co.nz works in conjunction with Metservice and other weather information suppliers to provide a fully automated weather service. They gather the historic, current and forecast information from automated weather stations around New Zealand. They also use the MetService's unique wind forecast technology developed for the America's Cup.  Once all the information is gathered and processed, they then use the power of the internet to present it via an interactive display panel.

The interactive display panel lets you see what the Wind has done, what it is doing now and then, best of all, what it will be doing over the next 48 hours! To be able to use this service all you need is an Internet connection, an Internet Browser and Macromedia's Flash 5 (or greater) plug-in. All this information and more, becomes available once you become a member.  Cost is $30 for half a year or $50 for a year.  It doesn't take too many avoided abortive trips to make it a worthwhile investment!  You can also use their TXT2WIND service for only 75 cents a time.

Wellington Regional Council Weather Stations
You can call the Hydroline Service for 12c per minute and obtain wind speed and direction information (amongst other useful things like lake levels!) for Lake Onoke and Angle Knob by calling 083229069.  Angle Knob is just north of Mt Holdsworth - there is a photo at: http://www.tramper.co.nz/index.cfm/action/story/StoryID/99

Minutes: June meeting

Next Meeting: Tuesday 5 August @ Valley Club, Lower Hutt, from 7:30pm

Email the editor at skf@paradise.net.nz with any news you may have!