WHGPC meeting minutes 3 June 2003 Present - Kris, Lloyd, Barry, Colin, Grant, and 5 new people, two interested in Paragliding, 2 in hang gliding, and one in both. Apologies - Ken Andersen General Business Signs. Two signs are to be made up, one for Western Lake, one for Paekak. Costings on these from two signmakers put the cost at up to $120 each. Enquiries are still being made. Barry offered to paint them himself if reasonale prices can't be found. Subs - some discussion regards members not paying their subs. If you want to know for sure whether that person you're flying with is financial, check the NZHGPA website. The hang-dog site will be updated in the near future, and those that remain unfinancial will have their PIN numbers removed. When they send off the money, could they please replace the number. Paekakariki - discussion regards the Paekakariki takeoff. Grant to contact Nga Uru Ora re the work done there. Grant also has made contact with the owner off an alternative launch below the new house. We'll keep you updated on developments. PG Comp. Kris has volunteered to organise a Wtgn PG league comp, sometime in early Feburary. Any members that are willing to help in any way please contact Kris Eriksen Meeting closed - 9.15pm.